Angular Handling Global Error to Try Again

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Handling Exceptions Using the Angular HttpClient Service

Zachary Bennett

Languages Frameworks and Tools


HTTP requests are extremely fault-decumbent because there are generally a lot of unknowns surrounding them. Is the server y'all are trying to reach running properly? Is the API returning the payload you are expecting? In this guide, you will learn what to do when these questions are not answered in the appropriate way. We volition discuss some of the all-time ways to manage HTTP exceptions within your app while using Angular's HttpClient service.

Getting Started Treatment HTTP Exceptions

When talking about handling HTTP exceptions in Athwart, it is nearly impossible not to talk nearly RxJs. The Angular framework is heavily bought into the RxJs library—a library that brings reactive programming into the JavaScript ecosystem. Angular's own HttpClient makes use of RxJs under the hood to ensure that the client has an observable API.

There are a few RxJs operators which you will need to be familiar with in society to handle exceptions properly. The principal operators we will business organisation ourselves with in this guide are the catchError and throwError operators.

Catching HTTP Exceptions

Using the catchError operator gives you the power to catch errors that may occur within an observable stream. Let's cheque out how nosotros can use this operator in an example app.

Here is an example service for fetching books from the server. It looks like this:

                                      1                                                            import                                                            {                                                            HttpClient                                                            }                                                            from                                                            '@angular/mutual/http'                    ;                                                            two                                                            import                                                            {                                                            Injectable                                                            }                                                            from                                                            '@angular/core'                    ;                                                            iii                                                            import                                                            {                                                            Book                                                            }                                                            from                                                            'app/models/book'                    ;                                                            4                    5                                                            @                    Injectable                    (                    )                                                            6                                                            export                                                            class                                                            BooksService                                                            {                                                            7                                                            private                                          booksApiUrl                                        =                                                            '/api/books'                    ;                                                            viii                    9                                                            constructor                    (                    private                                          http                    :                                                            HttpClient                    )                                                            {                                                            }                                                            10                    11                                                            getBooks                    (                    )                    :                                                            Observable                    <                    Book                    [                    ]                    >                                                            {                                                            12                                                            render                                                            this                    .                    http                    .                    get                    (                    this                    .                    booksApiUrl                    )                    ;                                                            13                                                            }                                                            14                                                            }                                  


And here is an example component that uses BooksService :

                                      ane                    import                                                            {                                                            Component                                                            }                                                            from                                                            '@angular/core'                    ;                                                            2                                        import                                                            {                                                            BooksService                                                            }                                                            from                                                            'app/services/books'                    ;                                                            3                                        import                                                            {                                                            Book                                                            }                                                            from                                                            'app/models/book'                    ;                                                            4                    v                                        @                    Component                    (                    {                                                            6                                          selector                    :                                                            'app-books'                    ,                                                            7                                          template                    :                                                            `                                                                                  8                      <ul *ngFor="let book of books$">                                                              9                      <li>{{ book.title }}</li>                                                              x                      </ul>                                        11                                                            `                                                            12                                        }                    )                                                            thirteen                                        consign                                                            class                                                            BooksComponent                                                            {                                                            14                                          books$                    :                                                            Observable                    <                    Book                    [                    ]                    >                    ;                                                            15                    16                                                            constructor                    (                    private                                          booksService                    :                                                            BooksService                    )                                                            {                                                            17                                                            this                    .                    books$                                                            =                                                            this                    .                    booksService                    .                    getBooks                    (                    )                    ;                                                            18                                                            }                                                            nineteen                                        }                                  


Above, the BooksComponent communicates with BooksService in guild to fetch a payload of books from the server. What if something goes wrong during this request? Of course, you will need to handle this exception in some way.

Adjacent, add together the catchError operator to BooksComponent to handle exceptions:

                                      1                    import                                                            {                                                            Component                                                            }                                                            from                                                            '@angular/cadre'                    ;                                                            2                                        import                                                            {                                                            BooksService                                                            }                                                            from                                                            'app/services/books'                    ;                                                            3                                        import                                                            {                                                            Book                                                            }                                                            from                                                            'app/models/book'                    ;                                                            4                                        import                                                            {                                          catchError                                        }                                                            from                                                            'rxjs/operators'                    ;                                                            five                                        import                                                            {                                                            of                                                            }                                                            from                                                            'rxjs'                    ;                                                            vi                    7                                        @                    Component                    (                    {                                                            8                                          selector                    :                                                            'app-books'                    ,                                                            ix                                          template                    :                                                            `                                                                                  10                      <error-alert *ngIf="errorMsg" [msg]="errorMsg"></error-alert>                                                              11                      <ul *ngFor="let book of books$">                                                              12                      <li>{{ book.title }}</li>                                                              13                      </ul>                                        xiv                                                            `                                                            xv                                        }                    )                                                            16                                        consign                                                            form                                                            BooksComponent                                                            {                                                            17                                          books$                    :                                                            Observable                    <                    Book                    [                    ]                    >                    ;                                                            eighteen                                          errorMsg                    :                                                            string                    ;                                                            nineteen                    20                                                            constructor                    (                    private                                          booksService                    :                                                            BooksService                    )                                                            {                                                            21                                                            this                    .                    books$                                                            =                                                            22                                                            this                    .                    booksService                                                            23                                                            .                    getBooks                    (                    )                                                            24                                                            .                    pipage                    (                                                            25                                                            catchError                    (                    mistake                                        =>                                                            {                                                            26                                                            if                                                            (                    error                    .                    error                                                            instanceof                                                            ErrorEvent                    )                                                            {                                                            27                                                            this                    .                    errorMsg                                                            =                                                            `                    Error:                                        ${                    error                    .                    error                    .                    message                    }                    `                    ;                                                            28                                                            }                                                            else                                                            {                                                            29                                                            this                    .                    errorMsg                                                            =                                                            `                    Error:                                        ${                    mistake                    .                    message                    }                    `                    ;                                                            30                                                            }                                                            31                                                            return                                                            of                    (                    [                    ]                    )                    ;                                                            32                                                            }                    )                                                            33                                                            )                    ;                                                            34                                                            }                                                            35                                        }                                  


You have altered BooksComponent to catch any exceptions that may occur from the HTTP request! You are also using the of observable helper part to ensure that when an fault occurs, the appreciable returns an empty assortment. Now, when an fault occurs, the user can easily meet the message.

But what if you want a little more custom command over the error message that is shown? In the next department, yous will larn how y'all can employ the throwError operator to do just that.

Re-throwing HTTP Exceptions

Odds are, y'all don't want to show the user the exact fault message that yous become from Angular HttpClient when an exception occurs. A great mode to customize this bulletin is by throwing your own custom exceptions using throwError . First, update your BooksService to throw a custom error depending on the final condition of the HTTP request.

                                      1                    import                                                            {                                                            HttpClient                    ,                                                            HttpErrorResponse                                                            }                                                            from                                                            '@athwart/common/http'                    ;                                                            2                                        import                                                            {                                                            Injectable                                                            }                                                            from                                                            '@angular/cadre'                    ;                                                            3                                        import                                                            {                                                            Volume                                                            }                                                            from                                                            'app/models/volume'                    ;                                                            4                                        import                                                            {                                          catchError                    ,                                          throwError                                        }                                                            from                                                            'rxjs/operators'                    ;                                                            5                    vi                                        @                    Injectable                    (                    )                                                            7                                        export                                                            class                                                            BooksService                                                            {                                                            8                                                            private                                          booksApiUrl                                        =                                                            '/api/books'                    ;                                                            9                    10                                                            constructor                    (                    private                                          http                    :                                                            HttpClient                    )                                                            {                                                            }                                                            xi                    12                                                            getBooks                    (                    )                    :                                                            Observable                    <                    Volume                    [                    ]                    >                                                            {                                                            13                                                            return                                                            this                    .                    http                                                            xiv                                                            .                    get                    (                    this                    .                    booksApiUrl                    )                                                            15                                                            .                    pipe                    (                                                            16                                                            catchError                    (                    fault                                        =>                                                            {                                                            17                                                            permit                                          errorMsg                    :                                                            string                    ;                                                            18                                                            if                                                            (                    fault                    .                    error                                                            instanceof                                                            ErrorEvent                    )                                                            {                                                            19                                                            this                    .                    errorMsg                                                            =                                                            `                    Error:                                        ${                    mistake                    .                    fault                    .                    message                    }                    `                    ;                                                            20                                                            }                                                            else                                                            {                                                            21                                                            this                    .                    errorMsg                                                            =                                                            this                    .                    getServerErrorMessage                    (                    fault                    )                    ;                                                            22                                                            }                                                            23                    24                                                            return                                                            throwError                    (                    errorMsg                    )                    ;                                                            25                                                            }                    )                                                            26                                                            )                    ;                                                            27                                                            }                                                            28                    29                                                            private                                                            getServerErrorMessage                    (                    error                    :                                                            HttpErrorResponse                    )                    :                                                            string                                                            {                                                            30                                                            switch                                                            (                    error                    .                    condition                    )                                                            {                                                            31                                                            case                                                            404                    :                                                            {                                                            32                                                            return                                                            `                    Not Institute:                                        ${                    error                    .                    message                    }                    `                    ;                                                            33                                                            }                                                            34                                                            case                                                            403                    :                                                            {                                                            35                                                            return                                                            `                    Access Denied:                                        ${                    error                    .                    bulletin                    }                    `                    ;                                                            36                                                            }                                                            37                                                            case                                                            500                    :                                                            {                                                            38                                                            return                                                            `                    Internal Server Error:                                        ${                    mistake                    .                    bulletin                    }                    `                    ;                                                            39                                                            }                                                            40                                                            default                    :                                                            {                                                            41                                                            return                                                            `                    Unknown Server Error:                                        ${                    error                    .                    message                    }                    `                    ;                                                            42                                                            }                                                            43                    44                                                            }                                                            45                                                            }                                                            46                                        }                                  


The above code moved some of the error-handling logic from BooksComponent to the service. Through the use of both the throwError operator and the new getServerErrorMessage method, you lot are now throwing a custom fault from service for HTTP errors.

Now, simplify your BooksComponent .

                                      one                    import                                                            {                                                            Component                                                            }                                                            from                                                            '@athwart/core'                    ;                                                            two                                        import                                                            {                                                            BooksService                                                            }                                                            from                                                            'app/services/books'                    ;                                                            3                                        import                                                            {                                                            Book                                                            }                                                            from                                                            'app/models/book'                    ;                                                            iv                                        import                                                            {                                          catchError                                        }                                                            from                                                            'rxjs/operators'                    ;                                                            5                                        import                                                            {                                                            of                                                            }                                                            from                                                            'rxjs'                    ;                                                            6                    7                                        @                    Component                    (                    {                                                            eight                                          selector                    :                                                            'app-books'                    ,                                                            nine                                          template                    :                                                            `                                                                                  ten                      <error-warning *ngIf="errorMsg" [msg]="errorMsg"></error-alert>                                                              11                      <ul *ngFor="let volume of books$">                                                              12                      <li>{{ volume.title }}</li>                                                              13                      </ul>                                        xiv                                                            `                                                            15                                        }                    )                                                            16                                        export                                                            class                                                            BooksComponent                                                            {                                                            17                                          books$                    :                                                            Observable                    <                    Volume                    [                    ]                    >                    ;                                                            18                                          errorMsg                    :                                                            cord                    ;                                                            19                    20                                                            constructor                    (                    private                                          booksService                    :                                                            BooksService                    )                                                            {                                                            21                                                            this                    .                    books$                                                            =                                                            22                                                            this                    .                    booksService                                                            23                                                            .                    getBooks                    (                    )                                                            24                                                            .                    pipage                    (                                                            25                                                            catchError                    (                    mistake                                        =>                                                            {                                                            26                                                            this                    .                    errorMsg                                                            =                                          error                    .                    bulletin                    ;                                                            27                                                            return                                                            of                    (                    [                    ]                    )                    ;                                                            28                                                            }                    )                                                            29                                                            )                    ;                                                            thirty                                                            }                                                            31                    32                                        }                                  


It is a best exercise to keep components every bit simple every bit possible. In this example, you have been able to accordingly motility the logic of your error handling from BooksComponent to BooksService .


In this guide, you learned how to manage HTTP exceptions inside your app. You lot accept seen how the RxJs catchError operator tin be used to take hold of any HTTP exceptions that occur while using the Angular HttpClientservice. You have also seen how to throw your own errors intentionally or re-throw caught errors using the RxJs throwError operator. By using these 2 techniques, you lot are well equipped to handle unexpected errors inside any HTTP-driven application.


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